Indeed Brewing | USA

Indeed Brewing verbindet die Tradition der alten Welt mit neuem Denken. Das zeigt sich in traditionellen, wie kreativen Bieren; in ihren Taprooms in Minneapolis, Milwaukee und in ihrem Engagement. Im Rahmen von „Indeed we can“ wird jeden Mittwoch der Reinerlös eines Taprooms an eine lokale gemeinnützige Organisation gespendet. „The European Beer Star is the most meaningful competition that we enter each year“.

Gold in 2020 und 2019, Silber 2020 sowie je einmal Bronze, 2017,2018 und 2021. Yes, Indeed.

"The European Beer Stars is the most meaningful competition that we enter each year. The importance of the competition only seems to be growing both inside of our brewery and outside in the world of beer consumers.

Honestly winning an EBS is a major validation of the quality of our beers and all of the hard work that our great team puts into creating those beers. To share the winner's stage with so many fantastic breweries that we have admired over the years is a thrill that is priceless."

Zur Website der Brauerei.


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